| Cast: 6 male, 5 female, 1 boy, extras | | Performance Time: 45 minutes. | | Suggested Use: For the church or group that would like to have a non-musical production at Christmas, or have a special night of theatre during the holiday season this play fits either bill. | | Set Requirements: Two simple acting areas. | | Performance Royalty: First Performance: $15.00/Additional Performances: $10.00 | | |
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Need help viewing sample pages? | | | | Sample, Scene One (pgs. 5-6) |  |
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| | Sample, Scene Two (pg. 14) |  |
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| | Sample, Tis the Season (MC-280) |  |
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| | Production Shot, Tis the Season, Northport Baptist Church #1 |  |
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| | Production Shot, Tis the Season, #2 |  |
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| | Production Shot, Tis the Season, #3 |  |
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| | Production Shot, Tis the Season, #4 |  |
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| | Production Shot, Tis the Season, #5 |  |
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| Table of contents | | Endorsement | | |
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