| Cast: 1 person | | Performance Time: 5 minutes | | Suggested Use: A monologue for New Year's Day | | Topics: New Year, New Year's Resolutions, Priorities | | Fred is hoping the new year will bring better things for him. He has just finished his morning routine, which included an attempt at following through with his New Year's resolutions. He is sorting through his mail and discovers he has been selected as a finalist for a better job. Fred is elated. The employer asks Fred to complete a personality questionnaire but warns that all applicants may be subject to a random polygraph test to insure complete honesty. Fred breezes through the questionnaire until he comes to a question asking him to prioritize some items in his life. Fred struggles between what is real, what lines up with his new resolutions, and what might impress the potential employer. | | Performance Royalty: Nonroyalty | | |
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